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[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(一)找合作的律師事務所

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[Book Summary] The 48 Laws of Power—Robert Greene

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[Book Summary] Willpower Doesn't Work—Benjamin Hardy

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[Book Summary] Principles—Ray Dalio

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

如何同時做為自雇者與受雇者?如何將租屋作為 WFH 辦公室(Home Office Deduction)來節稅?

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如何像有錢人一樣避稅?Buy, Borrow, Die?

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[Book Summary] Underground—Haruki Murakami

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[多圖注意] 京阪奈高拜觀七日遊—第七天

[多圖注意] 京阪奈高拜觀七日遊—第六天

[多圖注意] 京阪奈高拜觀七日遊—第五天

[多圖注意] 京阪奈高拜觀七日遊—第四天


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[多圖注意] 京阪奈高拜觀七日遊—第二天


[多圖注意] 京阪奈高拜觀七日遊—第一天


[Book Summary] The Shame Machine—Cathy O'Neil

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(九)諮詢服務與申請文件買家回饋

Image by David Peterson from Pixabay

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(八)Consular Processing

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(七)組裝 NIW I-140 申請文件包

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(六)撰寫推薦信 Letter of Recommendation

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(五)撰寫 Cover Letter—2

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(四)撰寫 Cover Letter—1

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(三)閱讀官方申請條件—2

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(二)閱讀官方申請條件—1

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(零)名詞解釋 Petitioner vs Applicant

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[Book Summary] The Rise of Modern Japan—Mark J. Ravina

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (8) Consular Processing

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (7) Assembling NIW I-140 Petition Package

Image by   David Peterson   from   Pixabay

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (6) Drafting a Letter of Recommendation

Image by   David Peterson   from   Pixabay

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (5) Crafting a Cover Letter-2

Image by   David Peterson   from   Pixabay

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (4) Crafting a Cover Letter-1

Image by   David Peterson   from   Pixabay

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (3) Read the Petition Rule-2

Image by   David Peterson   from   Pixabay

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (2) Read the Petition Rule-1

Image by   David Peterson   from   Pixabay

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (1) Find a Partner Law Firm

Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[Green Card] EB-2 NIW National Interest Waiver Application (0) Terminology Explanation Petitioner vs Applicant

  Image by  David Peterson  from  Pixabay

[Book Summary] Learned Optimism—Martin E. P. Seligman

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

[Book Summary] Pure Invention—Matt Alt

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

[Book Summary] The 8th Habit—Stephen R. Covey

  Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

[多圖注意] 年票過期前衝一波華盛頓州,跋山涉水後見一回交大直屬


[Book Summary] Flourish—Martin E. P. Seligman

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆

[Book Summary] Great World Religions: Islam—Professor John L Esposito

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[Book Summary] Driven to Distraction— Edward M. Hallowell M.D. and John J. Ratey M.D.

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[Book Summary] Authentic Happiness—Martin Seligman

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[Book Summary] Like Water: A Cultural History of Bruce Lee—Daryl Joji Maeda

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

[Book Summary] Getting to Yes—Roger Fisher and William Ury

Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★