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前篇[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 申請成功紀錄(二)閱讀官方申請條件—1 帶大家看完前兩項要點,這篇帶大家把官方申請條件看完。
(三)Policy Manual > Volume 6 > Part F > Chapter 5 (Continued)
第三項要點 Third Prong: On balance, it would be beneficial to the United States to waive the job offer and thus the permanent labor certification requirements
This last prong requires the petitioner to demonstrate that the factors in favor of granting the waiver outweigh those that support the requirement of a job offer and thus a labor certification, which is intended to ensure that the admission of foreign workers will not adversely affect the job opportunities, wages, and working conditions of U.S. workers. [56]
Therefore, in establishing eligibility for the third prong, petitioners may submit evidence relating to one or more of the following factors, as outlined in Matter of Dhanasar :
- The impracticality of a labor certification application; [58]
- The benefit to the United States from the prospective noncitizen’s contributions, even if other U.S. workers were also available; [59] and
- The national interest in the person’s contributions is sufficiently urgent, [60] such as U.S. competitiveness in STEM fields .
我的碩士學位是密西根大學生物醫學工程碩士,與美國追求在STEM 領域的競爭力不謀而合。但光是學位相關是不足以說服審核人員的,最好可以跟國家政策綁在一起,後面會有更詳細的說明和舉例。
More specific considerations may include:
- Whether urgency, such as public health or safety, warrants foregoing the labor certification process;
- Whether the labor certification process may prevent an employer from hiring a person with unique knowledge or skills exceeding the minimum requirements standard for that occupation, [61] which cannot be appropriately captured by the labor certification; [62]
- Whether the person’s endeavor has the potential to generate considerable revenue consistent, for example, with economic revitalization; and [63]
- Whether the person’s endeavor may lead to potential job creation.
在拜登政府任內,非常強調要把製造業帶回美國(之後會導讀美國總統的行政命令),我第一份和第二份工作剛好都是在製造業當控制工程師。所以對國家整體利益有迫切性。第二份工作的公司又是提供產品給疫苗製造的廠商之一,對於對抗 COVID-19 有不少貢獻,所以對於公共衛生也有重要性。同時 COVID-19 帶來的供應鏈失調,對於美國國家安全也有重大影響。
第二個螢光綠字講 Labor Certification 只能檢驗一個人是否具有基本的能力,但對於各位讀者/NIW 申請者的能力來說,是不足以檢驗出你在各領域的特殊長才。我想大部分的人都會在 Cover Letter 裡面這樣寫,所以這是必要條件而非充分條件。
最後一個是創造更多就業機會,這是寫 Cover Letter 一定會著墨的點。另外還有改善貧富懸殊、縮小城鄉差距、推動 STEM 線上教育等等計畫,筆者在後面的申請文件寫作方面會做更多的陳述。
接著我們看 Chapter 5 - Advanced Degree or Exceptional Ability 的 2. Specific Evidentiary Considerations for Persons with Advanced Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, or Mathematics (STEM) Fields 來看看甚麼樣的證據可以拿來證明 STEM 領域的各位讀者有足夠能力完成你所提的目標或促進它的發展。
USCIS recognizes the importance of progress in STEM fields and the essential role of persons with advanced STEM degrees in fostering this progress, especially in focused critical and emerging technologies [65] or other STEM areas important to U.S. competitiveness [66] or national security . [67]
原文中的參考文件 [66] 和 [67] 都是相當棒的內容,可以參酌作為寫作 Cover Letter 的材料。
The lists of critical and emerging technology subfields published by the Executive Office of the President, by either the National Science and Technology Council or the National Security Council, are examples of authoritative lists. [68] Officers may find that a STEM area is important to competitiveness or security in a variety of circumstances, for example, when the evidence in the record demonstrates that an endeavor will help the United States to remain ahead of strategic competitors or current and potential adversaries, or relates to a field, including those that are research and development-intensive industries, [69] where appropriate activity and investment, both early and later in the development cycle, may contribute to the United States achieving or maintaining technology leadership or peer status among allies and partners.
如果你的專業出現在參考文件 [68] 裡頭,恭喜你!你可以在你的 Cover Letter 中引用這份文件,用以佐證對於美國而言有國家級的重要性。參考文件 [69] 可以搭配使用上述第三項要點,說服審核人員豁免你的 PERM 和 Labor Certification 以避免美國於國家經濟上的損失。
For the second prong, as mentioned above, the person’s education and skillset are relevant to whether the person is well positioned to advance the endeavor. [71] USCIS considers an advanced degree, particularly a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), in a STEM field tied to the proposed endeavor and related to work furthering a critical and emerging technology or other STEM area important to U.S. competitiveness or national security, an especially positive factor to be considered along with other evidence for purposes of the assessment under the second prong. [72]
這邊強調一個對於美國在國際競爭與國家安全有重要性的 STEM 領域博士學位有特別加分,但是沒有說是必要條件。有些傳聞說要有博士學位才能申請的誤會可能由此誕生。
When evaluating the third prong and whether the United States may benefit from the person’s entry, regardless of whether other U.S. workers are available (as well as other factors relating to prong three discussed above, such as urgency), USCIS considers the following combination of facts contained in the record to be a strong positive factor:
- The person possesses an advanced STEM degree, particularly a Ph.D.;
- The person will be engaged in work furthering a critical and emerging technology or other STEM area important to U.S. competitiveness; and
- The person is well positioned to advance the proposed STEM endeavor of national importance.
接著請各位讀者閱讀下一篇文章,參考如何撰寫申請所需的 Cover Letter。
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(零)名詞解釋 Petitioner vs Applicant
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(一)找合作的律師事務所
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(二)閱讀官方申請條件—1
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(三)閱讀官方申請條件—2
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(四)撰寫 Cover Letter—1
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(五)撰寫 Cover Letter—2
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(六)撰寫推薦信 Letter of Recommendation
[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(七)組裝 NIW I-140 申請文件包
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(八)領事館處理 Consular Processing
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(九)諮詢服務與申請文件買家回饋
Matter of DHANASAR, Petitioner
感謝 Dr. Dhanasar 的抗爭,讓 NIW 的審核視野變得更寬廣。所以研究 NIW 的你,應該已經看過 Dhanasar 這個名字了。 -
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