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如何像有錢人一樣避稅?Buy, Borrow, Die?

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在規劃自己財務狀況的時候意外聽到 Chay Lapin 的一本書 "Buy, Borrow, Die: How to Succeed with Wealth and Not Lose It",我請 ChatGPT 做了書摘如下,臨終財產安置的部分我就先略過不看。

Book Summary: "Buy, Borrow, Die: How to Succeed with Wealth and Not Lose It" by Chay Lapin


"Buy, Borrow, Die" delves into the intricacies of wealth creation and preservation. The book outlines strategies to manage and grow wealth while minimizing tax liabilities, leveraging assets, and effectively passing on wealth to future generations. Chay Lapin combines practical advice with real-life examples to guide readers through the complex world of financial planning.

Key Concepts:

1. Buy:

   - The first step in the wealth-building process is to buy income-generating assets. Lapin emphasizes the importance of investing in assets that not only appreciate over time but also provide a steady stream of income.

   - Real estate, stocks, and bonds are highlighted as primary asset classes that can contribute to long-term wealth accumulation.

2. Borrow:

   - The second step involves leveraging the value of acquired assets to access capital. Lapin discusses the concept of using debt strategically to enhance wealth.

   - By borrowing against assets, individuals can unlock liquidity without having to sell their investments, thereby preserving their wealth while still having access to capital.

   - The book outlines different types of loans, such as home equity loans and margin loans, and provides guidance on how to use them effectively.


美國的短期資本利得稅現在是併入個人所得稅計算,範圍是 10%-37%。而持有該證券超過一年的長期資本利得稅範圍是 0%-20%。幾個例子:假設一名工程師在 2020 年的年薪加上獎金是十萬美金,並且實現了五萬美金的資本利得,在短期 (24%) 跟長期 (15%) 資本利得稅上就會有 9% 的差異。可以少繳 9% 的稅固然是很好,但要怎麼進一步避稅呢?

在利用個人持股作為擔保品 (Collateral) 並向券商借款的方式有兩種,保證金貸款 (Margin loan) 和以證券做為抵押品的信用貸款 (Security-Based Line of Credit, SBLOC)。

依我個人研究,Interactive Brokers (IB) 在 SBLOC 方面最多可以貸到你的證券總額的 50%。貸款金額在五千萬美金以下時總費用年百分率 (APR) 是 6.83% (於 05/28/2024)。但要記得證券價值有波動性,貸款額太靠近上限會面臨被券商強制交割 (automatic liquidation) 以避免其可能的虧損風險。

順帶一提,根據 NerdWallet 的報導Average Car Loan Interest Rates by Credit Score指出,2023年第四季的二手車貸款 APR 是 11.93%,而像筆者的信用分數也只能借到 APR 7.66% 的貸款。相比前面提到的 SBLOC ,汽車貸款是不是很沒有魅力呢?當然啦!現在利息還是非常高,如果沒有必要,還是盡量不要辦理利率這麼高的貸款了。


  1. SBLOC 是浮動利率,當央行升息,你的 APR 也會跟著上升,反之亦然。
  2. 就算你可以借到跟 SBLOC 一樣的 APR,SBLOC 的利息在特定情況下可用於抵稅,所以還是可能比較划算。可以用於抵稅的條件必須是將貸款用於能生產可稅收入 (Taxable income) 的投資,像是出租套房的翻新或是購買生產設備。但是抵稅額度會根據每個人的情況而改變,所以你可能用不到。

如何在 Interactive Brokers 辦理 SBLOC 可以參考這支影片。


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