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[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 申請成功紀錄(一)找合作的律師事務所提到我三次抽 H-1B 都沒有抽中, 兩次樂透綠卡抽籤也都沒有抽中。 該文章也討論了我如何找到合作的律師事務所,以及各位讀者是否需要找律師等等問題。 今天這篇新的文章,就來討論在美國移民局 (USCIS) 官方網站上面申請 NIW 所需要具備的條件。
(一)甚麼是 I-140 表格?
I-140 表格就是 Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers,我會翻譯成「外國工作者的移民請願表」。在 I-140, Immigrant Petition for Alien Workers 你可以找到最新的表格以及填寫表格的教學。
(二)Employment-Based Immigration: Second Preference EB-2
在這個網站 Employment-Based Immigration: Second Preference EB-2 你可以看看自己有沒有符合申請 EB-2 的條件。第一種是 Advanced Degree Professionals。如果你有一個碩士或博士學位,或是你具有一個學士學位加上五年的工作經驗,你也可以使用這個類別。 但要注意的是申請的時候,當下你的工作或者是之後要做的工作要求你必須要有這個 Advanced Degree,不能學位跟工作風馬牛不相及。
另外一種是 Exceptional Ability。 在這個類別裡,你必須要展現你在 Science 科學、Art 藝術、Business 商業,這三個領域裡面任一具有 Exceptional 特別出色的能力。 由於我的申請不是走這個類別,所以如果你有興趣,可以自行到 USCIS 的官網去了解。
(三)Policy Manual > Volume 6 > Part F > Chapter 5
在 USCIS 政令手冊中,卷六第 F 部第五章
Chapter 5 - Advanced Degree or Exceptional Ability
對於上述兩種 NIW 申請條件分別於 A
小節和 B 小節有更詳細的描述,建議各位讀者仔細閱讀以更好地了解 USCIS 的最新規定。
C 小節獨立出來講專業運動員,這部份我們跳過不看。
D 小節開頭有以下要求。所以你需要 ETA-750 或 ETA-9089 表格。我繳交的是 ETA-750。就算沒有公司贊助你申請 NIW,不會有跟勞動部 PERM 的流程,還是請各位讀者依照規定辦理。
In support of the petition, however, the petitioner must submit the employee-specific portions of a permanent labor certification (without DOL approval). [39] The petitioner may submit either the Form ETA 750B or Form ETA 9089.
下面帶大家依序來看審理時的三項考量要點 ( Under 1. Overview of the Three Prongs on Chapter 5 - Advanced Degree or Exceptional Ability)。
第一項要點 First Prong: The Proposed Endeavor has both Substantial Merit and National Importance
The term “endeavor” is more specific than the general occupation; a petitioner should offer details not only as to what the occupation normally involves, but what types of work the person proposes to undertake specifically within that occupation. [46] For example, while engineering is an occupation, the explanation of the proposed endeavor should describe the specific projects and goals, or the areas of engineering in which the person will work, rather than simply listing the duties and responsibilities of an engineer.這裡有兩點要注意!第一點是不能只單純的講你所做的工作是哪一個類別。比方說筆者是一名控制工程師,單純這樣的敘述就是不合格;下圖影片封面同樣也是不合格的論述。第二點,這邊不是問你過去做過或是一直以來在做什麼,而是提出 (propose) 將來會做什麼。然後在下方的第二項 (The Second Prong) 才以你過去到現在的貢獻來考量你是否具有足夠的能力完成你所提的目標。
In determining national importance, the officer’s analysis should focus on what the beneficiary will be doing rather than the specific occupational classification. Endeavors such as classroom teaching, for example, without broader implications for a field or region, generally do not rise to the level of having national importance for the purpose of establishing eligibility for a national interest waiver.
第二項要點 Second Prong: The Person is Well Positioned to Advance the Proposed Endeavor
In evaluating whether the person is well positioned to advance the endeavor, USCIS considers factors [51] including, but not limited to:The petitioner should submit evidence to document the person’s past achievements and corroborate projections related to the proposed endeavor to show that the person is well-positioned to advance the endeavor. A person may be well-positioned to advance an endeavor even if the person cannot demonstrate that the proposed endeavor is more likely than not to ultimately succeed. [52] However, unsubstantiated or implausible claims would not meet the petitioner’s burden of proof.
- The person’s education, skills, knowledge, and record of success in related or similar efforts;
- A model or plan that the person developed, or played a significant role in developing, for future activities related to the proposed endeavor;
- Any progress towards achieving the proposed endeavor; and
- The interest or support garnered by the person from potential customers, users, investors, or other relevant entities or persons.
Evidence that may demonstrate that the person is well-positioned to advance a proposed endeavor includes, but is not limited to:
- Degrees, certificates, or licenses in the field;
- Patents, trademarks, or copyrights developed by the person;
- Letters from experts in the person’s field, describing the person’s past achievements and providing specific examples of how the person is well positioned to advance the person’s endeavor;
- Published articles or media reports about the person’s achievements or current work;
- Documentation demonstrating a strong citation history of the person’s work or excerpts of published articles showing positive discourse around, or adoption of, the person’s work;
這個紅字標示的項目說明了為甚麼大家常常認為要有論文發表跟大量引用才能申請成功,我想也是為什麼上一篇文章 [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 申請成功紀錄(一)找合作的律師事務所 中,大多數的律所都不願接我的案子的主因。這部份我們下面會再進一步討論。
- Evidence that the person’s work has influenced the field of endeavor;
- A plan describing how the person intends to continue the proposed work in the United States; [53]
這兩點可以寫在你的 Cover Letter 裡,筆者寫了兩篇文章專門講解如何撰寫 Cover Letter。
- A detailed business plan or other description, along with any relevant supporting evidence, when appropriate;
- Correspondence from prospective or potential employers, clients, or customers;
- Documentation reflecting feasible plans for financial support (see below for a more detailed discussion of evidence related to financing for entrepreneurs); [54]
- Evidence that the person has received investment from U.S. investors, such as venture capital firms, angel investors, or start-up accelerators, and that the amounts are appropriate to the relevant endeavor;
- Copies of contracts, agreements, or licenses showing the potential impact of the proposed endeavor;
- Letters from government agencies or quasi-governmental entities in the United States demonstrating that the person is well positioned to advance the proposed endeavor (see below for a more detailed discussion of supporting evidence from interested government agencies and quasi-governmental entities); [55]
- Evidence that the person has received awards or grants or other indications of relevant non-monetary support (for example, using facilities free of charge) from federal, state, or local government entities with expertise in economic development, research and development, or job creation; and
- Evidence demonstrating how the person’s work is being used by others, such as, but not limited to:
- Contracts with companies using products that the person developed or assisted in developing;
- Documents showing technology that the person invented, or contributed to inventing, and how others use that technology; and
- Patents or licenses for innovations the person developed with documentation showing why the patent or license is significant to the field.
到這裡我們看完前兩項要點。第三項要點 Third Prong: On balance, it would be beneficial to the United States to waive the job offer and thus the permanent labor certification requirements 筆者留到下一篇再帶各位讀者細讀。
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(零)名詞解釋 Petitioner vs Applicant
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(一)找合作的律師事務所
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(二)閱讀官方申請條件—1
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(三)閱讀官方申請條件—2
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(四)撰寫 Cover Letter—1
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(五)撰寫 Cover Letter—2
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(六)撰寫推薦信 Letter of Recommendation
[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(七)組裝 NIW I-140 申請文件包
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(八)領事館處理 Consular Processing
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(九)諮詢服務與申請文件買家回饋
Matter of DHANASAR, Petitioner
感謝 Dr. Dhanasar 的抗爭,讓 NIW 的審核視野變得更寬廣。所以研究 NIW 的你,應該已經看過 Dhanasar 這個名字了。 -
EB2 NIW application mistakes to avoid
8 misconceptions about EB-2 NIW green card process
Publications and citations for NIW green card
New version of ETA-9089 form
How to qualify for National Interest Waiver
How to assemble the I-140 petition for EB2 NIW
- EB-2 NIW processing time
EB2 NIW cover letter : what it is and how to prepare one
Personal Statement for EB2 NIW
- A guide to EB2 NIW Recommendation Letters
The Adjustment of Status for EB2 NIW
Concurrent or separate EB2 NIW application?
Understanding Retrogression: What It Means, Why It Happens, and How to Manage It
Traveling during green card process
Guide to Consular Processing for EB2 NIW green card
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- 如果想知道承案的律師事務所及律師團的信箱,可以掃下方的 QR Code 支付 $45 並留下信箱即可獲得相關資訊。
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