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Image by David Peterson from Pixabay |
在著手準備 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請之前,建議大家把自己的履歷拿出來檢查一下。看有沒有需要更新的地方,尤其是你的工作經驗和學術經驗,有得獎項、獎學金或者是特別值得一提及且能以數據量化的貢獻,都要放進你的履歷。
不要急著開始寫你的 Cover Letter 或者是 Personal Statement。記住我們在第二篇文章講的。
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.
[UCLA] 如何依照歐美學術慣例撰寫Resume/CV?(11/08/2017更新)
下方提供我更新前和更新後的履歷,可以清楚看到多了許多細節。之前網友在 Facebook 和 PTT 對於我學經歷的問題,都可以從下方的履歷得到回答,我就不再贅述。作品集的部分我用綠色方框框起來,這部份是我已經對我的專業領域做出貢獻,並且能在獲得綠卡後能繼續推動目標的證明。
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更新前,簡單一頁。 |
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更新後,第一頁。 |
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更新後,第二頁。 |
(二)認識 Cover Letter 架構
在你更新完履歷之後,可以透過筆者 Cover Letter 中的目錄頁來了解一下一份 Cover Letter 應有的架構,筆者以下會逐章說明。
各位讀者可以注意一下第一章之前的 Acronyms,我特別把整份 Cover Letter 會用到的縮寫整理成清單,讓審核人員的工作輕鬆一點。不然如果委員看不懂,輕則 Request for Evidence (RFE),重則否決你的申請。
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Cover Letter 目錄頁 |
接著來說 Cover Letter 的第二章 Substantial Merit and National Importance。這個章節又細分成下列小節。
- Section 2.1 Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing
- Section 2.2 Proposed Endeavor
- Section 2.3 Summary of Benefits to the United States
在第四篇文章有提到, 拜登政府在疫情衝擊和全球化供應鏈受到衝擊後想要把製造業帶回美國,加上我本身又是在製造業從事控制工程師,所以在鋪陳 Cover Letter 敘事背景的方面上我會聚焦在製造業的部分。(不是新聞媒體喔!)
確定好 Cover Letter 的敘事背景和焦點之後,為了加強說服力,筆者多次引用官方文件來建立並強化這個論述背景,以證明這個議題對於美國而言具有國家級的重要性與迫切性 (Important and Urgent)。以下摘錄自筆者最後送出的 Cover Letter。
Executive Order 14005 (Exhibit B2) issued by President Biden underscores the imperative to strengthen the Buy American Act, a legislative requirement obligating federal agencies to prioritize domestic products and suppliers in their procurement processes. In the PCAST Report to the President—Ensuring American Leadership in Advanced Manufacturing (Exhibit B3), PCAST/PITAC have cautioned that the manufacturing sector has witnessed a decline over several decades in terms of its contribution to GDP and employment. Consequently, they have recommended the launch of an Advanced Manufacturing Initiative aimed at facilitating the development and dissemination of design methodologies for manufacturing, as well as the establishment of shared technology infrastructure to support advancements in existing manufacturing industries. It is evident that rectifying the nation's insufficient manufacturing capacity has emerged as an urgent priority for the United States government.
完成起承轉三步驟之後,申請人須於 Cover Letter 中表達出獲得綠卡之後朝向解決問題邁進的殷切期盼,完成最後一步「合」,並將自身志業融合在國家政策方針,達成魚水互助的最終目標。
根據筆者平常訂閱 CONTROL 還有 ISA Interchange 所累積的經驗,筆者在 Cover Letter 裡總結幾位專家觀察到的美國製造業困境。除了提點出這些問題,還要引用官方文獻來佐證,像是在寫論文一樣。雖然筆者沒有寫過碩博士論文,但這點道理我還是懂的。
當然,這個起承轉合的部分每個人歸納出來的會不一樣,除非你跟我在同一產業擔任同樣職位。如果平常對於自己的領域發展沒有關注,下面會介紹幾個網站供你參考,不用擔心。以下摘錄自筆者的 Cover Letter。
Nonetheless, over three decades, the US manufacturing declined, compounded by COVID-19 disruptions. The pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in supply chains, impacted critical goods production, and resulted in the loss of approximately 1.4 million jobs at its onset. Since then, the industry has been confronted with the challenge of filling job vacancies due to The Great Resignation. As of March 2023, an analysis conducted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on BLS data, there were 693,000 open manufacturing jobs, highlighting the persistent struggle to find qualified workers who can meet the industry's demands. (Exhibit C3) It is alarming that despite the declaration by the WHO chief of the end of the COVID global health emergency, there persists a shortage in the workforce.
交代完第二章 Substantial Merit and National Importance 的開頭之後,Section 2.1 Introduction to Advanced Manufacturing 是為審核人員補充一些相關背景知識,讓對方可以更好的了解筆者的專業領域。整份 Cover Letter 盡量用淺顯易懂的詞彙,不要賣弄專業名詞,小心聰明反被聰明誤!
接下來 Section 2.2 Proposed Endeavor 討論的就是筆者提出如何改善前述這些困境的方案,也就是筆者於第三篇文章用了相當大篇幅討論的關鍵段落。
筆者當時從白宮的官方文件或者是近幾任總統頒發的行政命令 (E. O., Executive Order) 來做發想。雖然我們經驗有限、能力有限、財力有限,但是在國家政策方針裡還是能扮演重要的角色。(不管你實際上能做到多少,至少你在 Cover Letter 裡必須這樣陳述。)
這裡可以找到美國總統佈達的行政命令,還有國政白皮書,更有總統顧問團 OSTP、PCAST 和 PITAC 的建議報告。相當實用!
另外,有興趣的朋友可以看一下美國的國策顧問團的陣容,再看看中華民國的國策顧問團的陣容,別有一番風味! - The Biden-Harris Administration Immediate Priorities
如果你的專業在這個緊急且優先的名單裡,恭喜你! 還不快馬加鞭的申請起來? - O*NET OnLine
這裡你可以查到美國勞動部的報告,還可以查到未來十年各產業發展預測,看未來你的領域是成長還是衰退中的夕陽產業。更可以細看在 STEM 領域裡,相比之下是否有更劇烈的成長。想要看各領域發展預估的報告,也可以到 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: Employment Projections。 - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
做生意就是要賺錢,只要合乎法規且合乎道德的賺就好。筆者從這邊也找到幾篇支撐論點的文獻,特別是針對美國製造業困境和解方的分析。 - CONGRESS.GOV
筆者的 Cover Letter 裡喊出了四個口號。如果想不出四個口號,建議各位讀者至少想出三個,這樣 Cover Letter 讀起來飽滿度和說服力才比較充足。
- Process Automation and Manufacturing Reimagination
- Develop Backward from Manufacturing
- Continuous Learning and Staying at the Forefront
- Leading Smart Manufacturing for Prosperous Future
以 下引用自筆者的 Cover Letter,是第一個口號 Process Automation and Manufacturing Reimagination 下方的申論。這邊可以看出我只有把國家政策和個人志業做連結,因為闡述及證明我是否具備足夠能力的部分會放在 Cover Letter 的第三章 I am Well-positioned to Advance the Proposed Endeavor.(螢光藍字)。
According to the recommendations from PCAST and PITAC (Exhibit B3), the Federal Government can revitalize the field of advanced manufacturing by fundamentally reimagine the manufacturing process. I have actively contributed to this process and have a proven track record in utilizing emerging technologies to revolutionize the manufacturing landscape. Throughout my tenure, I have successfully integrated new technologies into existing production lines, whether it be through improvement projects or research and development initiatives. Detailed project-specific experiences will be discussed in Chapter 3 of my petition.Furthermore, as outlined in Section 2.3 Summary of Benefits to the United States, a robust manufacturing sector serves as a foundation for innovation. The application notes I have prepared documenting the incorporation of sensing, networking, and automation in my projects have facilitated knowledge dissemination across various domains. These advancements can be effectively applied in diverse fields such as automotive and biomanufacturing. By establishing a dynamic manufacturing foundation and accelerating the transition from concept to product, my contributions form a positive feedback loop that fosters innovation and facilitates the expansion of domestic manufacturing.
I would also like to draw attention to the Letter of Recommendation provided by [Professional A], wherein he highlights how my publication has reduced risk, time, and cost in his development cycle. He emphasized that “The code made our lives a lot easier, as we were able to quickly copy the code, make minor changes to meet our requirements and deploy production-quality code in a matter of a few hours.” Additionally, the generality of my Application Notes allows for adaptive design and development strategies that cater to diverse market segments. Consequently, my extensive experience and contributions in integrating advanced technologies possess the potential to significantly broaden the pool of product designers, fostering a culture of innovation and bolstering competitiveness within the U.S. manufacturing sector.
如果想要閱讀筆者完整的 Cover Letter 及推薦信,可以到文章最下方掃描 QR Code 支付相關費用並附上信箱,我就會寄到你的信箱。筆者會比照 Newman's Own 的做法將獲利全數捐出。過去的捐款收據請看捐款收據。
Section 2.3 Summary of Benefits to the United States 這個部份很重要,在你描述完國家政策背景,又透過專家學者的文獻點出各種政策實行上的各種困境,並且展現魚水互助的發展願景之後,一定要歸納出你說的發展願景和國家政策如何相輔相成。
筆者的 Cover Letter 同樣列出三點對於美國而言有哪些國家利益和重要性 (National Interest and Importance)。以下引用第三點作為示範。
3. Domestic manufacturing capabilities utilizing advanced technologies and methodologies is indispensable to national security, ensuring the self-reliance necessary to safeguard vital interests.In the Multi-Agency Research and Development Priorities for FY-2023 Budget (Exhibit B1), the director of OSTP emphasized the investments in manufacturing resulting in economic resilience. Specifically, the director stated: “Investments in economic resilience should emphasize technologies that ensure safe, clean, and reliable access to critical products, materials and minerals, including new manufacturing and biomanufacturing processes that can cost-effectively produce key goods on demand.”
Additionally, manufacturing plays a vital role in safeguarding the national and homeland security. This critical aspect was underscored in the 2010 Quadrennial Defense Review highlighted, “In the mid to long term, it is imperative that we have a robust industrial base with sufficient manufacturing capability and capacity to preserve our technological edge and provide for the reset and recapitalization of our force.” (Exhibit B4)
到此我們就看完 Cover Letter 第二章 Substantial Merit and National Importance 的示範。下一篇文章將會帶大家看 Cover Letter 第三章 I am Well-positioned to Advance the Proposed Endeavor。
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(零)名詞解釋 Petitioner vs Applicant
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(一)找合作的律師事務所
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(二)閱讀官方申請條件—1
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(三)閱讀官方申請條件—2
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(四)撰寫 Cover Letter—1
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(五)撰寫 Cover Letter—2
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(六)撰寫推薦信 Letter of Recommendation
[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(七)組裝 NIW I-140 申請文件包
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(八)領事館處理 Consular Processing
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(九)諮詢服務與申請文件買家回饋
Matter of DHANASAR, Petitioner
感謝 Dr. Dhanasar 的抗爭,讓 NIW 的審核視野變得更寬廣。所以研究 NIW 的你,應該已經看過 Dhanasar 這個名字了。 -
EB2 NIW application mistakes to avoid
8 misconceptions about EB-2 NIW green card process
Publications and citations for NIW green card
New version of ETA-9089 form
How to qualify for National Interest Waiver
How to assemble the I-140 petition for EB2 NIW
- EB-2 NIW processing time
EB2 NIW cover letter : what it is and how to prepare one
Personal Statement for EB2 NIW
- A guide to EB2 NIW Recommendation Letters
The Adjustment of Status for EB2 NIW
Concurrent or separate EB2 NIW application?
Understanding Retrogression: What It Means, Why It Happens, and How to Manage It
Traveling during green card process
Guide to Consular Processing for EB2 NIW green card
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Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay |
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- 如果想購買一份 Exhibit 3.C、Exhibit 4 或 Exhibit 5,可以掃下方的 QR Code 支付 $15 並留下信箱即可獲得相關資訊。如果三個 Exhibit 都想購買,則是支付 $45。
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