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[Book Summary] Underground—Haruki Murakami

Rating: ★

"Underground" is a non-fiction book that delves into the 1995 Tokyo subway sarin gas attack carried out by the Aum Shinrikyo cult. Murakami conducts a series of interviews with survivors, the families of victims, and even former cult members to provide a comprehensive and empathetic look at this tragic event and its aftermath.

Murakami starts by providing context about the sarin gas attack on March 20, 1995, which killed 13 people and injured over a thousand. He explores the social and psychological impact of this incident on Japan.

By the way, something mysterious about sarin gas is that survivors described its smell differently. Some said that it was like a rotting smell but the other claimed it smelled sweet!?

The core of the book consists of detailed interviews with the survivors and their families. Murakami captures their harrowing experiences, the immediate effects of the attack, and the long-term psychological and physical repercussions. He humanizes the tragedy by focusing on personal stories, giving voice to those who lived through the horror.

One thing about Japanese work culture shocked me while I listened to this audiobook. Several survivors admitted that they were feeling ill and even losing eyesight. Nonetheless, they decided they should still go to work, which brought the contaminated clothes to a broader group of people.......

Murakami delves into the psychological impact on the survivors, many of whom struggle with trauma and the search for meaning in the aftermath. He also examines the broader societal implications, discussing how such a tragedy could occur in a seemingly orderly and safe society like Japan.

One thing that Murakami pointed out is that there wasn't much horizontal communication among police. They were in their own business area even if they found something suspicious, which impeded the action of stopping the terror attack. 

In the latter part of the book, Murakami interviews former members of the Aum Shinrikyo cult. He attempts to understand their motivations, beliefs, and the reasons behind their involvement in the attack. These interviews offer insight into the cult's dynamics and the allure it held for its followers.

One ironic but (almost) universal truth is that to ascend in this society, men have to be intelligent elites and women have to be beauties. The same rule applied in Aum Shinrikyo.

Throughout the book, Murakami reflects on the nature of evil, the vulnerability of society, and the human capacity for both cruelty and compassion. He raises questions about collective responsibility and the societal factors that contribute to such extremism.

For more information in Chinese, please refer:








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