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Image by David Peterson from Pixabay |
談完第二章 Substantial Merit and National Importance 之後,筆者帶各位讀者進入另一個深水區—第三章 I am Well-positioned to Advance the Proposed Endeavor。
Section 3.1 Background and Achievements 是學歷的快速回顧,如果做的專題拿過獎項或是成績優異而獲頒書卷獎之類的獎學金,就可以特別提出來證明你的優秀,也可以提供簡短描述讓審核人員知道這獎項得來不易。我是提供當時獲得羅家倫紀念獎學金的電子郵件通知以及校方簡報作為證據,不用擔心被質疑是說謊。羅教授也不必去翻帳簿來證實筆者是獲獎人。以下引用其中一段。
Section 3.1 Background and Achievements
During my academic journey, I was honored to receive the prestigious Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship in January 2019 (Exhibit A6). This highly competitive fellowship exemplifies the university's commitment to recognizing academic excellence and supporting outstanding international students. Being one of the seven recipients out of a large applicant pool, the Chia-Lun Lo Fellowship provided both financial support and validation of my academic achievements and dedication to excellence. This recognition further fueled my drive to contribute significantly to my field.
Section 3.2 Qualifications and Certificates 筆者列舉了受訓獲得的證書。我想各位 STEM 領域的申請者多少有點經驗。機械工程的可能是 AutoCAD,資料科學的可能是 Azure 和 SQL,都可以放進來增加申請文件的強度。 以下引用其中一段。
Same year, I successfully completed the TR3029 Training by Beckhoff Automation. This comprehensive training program covers various aspects of system architecture, programming, configuration, diagnostics, and troubleshooting using Beckhoff technologies, a Windows-based platform. Through hands-on exercises and real-world scenarios, I acquired practical skills and in-depth knowledge in designing and maintaining Beckhoff automation systems.
特別注意的是,你列出來的點,可以加一些描述跟 Section 2.2 Proposed Endeavor 喊出來的口號做呼應,整篇 Cover Letter 才會首尾連貫、邏輯順暢。以下引用的部分就是跟上一篇文章中提到的 1. Process Automation and Manufacturing Reimagination 做呼應;更理想的狀況下,你還可以跟美國總統的行政命令或近期議會通過的法案做呼應。
3. Integration of Emerging Technology — Laser Thickness Measuring and Monitoring System
Amidst my journey at Inteplast Group, I embarked on another momentous project: the development of a Laser Thickness Measuring and Monitoring System. Driven by my determination to leverage cutting-edge technology and enhance our existing production equipment, I embraced this challenge. After careful evaluation, I identified the Allen-Bradley 5069-SERIAL input/output module as the optimal solution. However, I encountered a hurdle along the way: the module lacked a comprehensive official application guide. Undeterred, I delved into extensive research and launched a development journey to unravel the ideal configuration for seamless communication with our laser displacement sensors.
As I immersed myself in understanding the module's intricacies, I recognized the significance of sharing my findings with the wider engineering community. It resonates with the principles emphasized in the PCAST report (Exhibit B3) that fostering open-source collaboration environments for the creation of large and complex systems can empower the domestic manufacturing industry by democratizing the design innovation process and harnessing the expertise of a diverse talent pool. In line with this philosophy and to contribute to the democratization of knowledge, I took the initiative to author an Application Note (Exhibit A24), offering comprehensive insights into the configuration process.
Furthermore, I created an instructional video that meticulously outlines the precise steps for utilizing the 5069-SERIAL module. This commitment to knowledge dissemination has struck a chord with the engineering community, evident from the remarkable success of the video, garnering over 1,900 views and continuing to gain traction. Witnessing the wide-reaching impact of the knowledge I have shared is truly gratifying. Through this project, I not only exemplified my dedication to engineering community engagement but also showcased my fervent passion for integrating revolutionary engineering solutions.
My commitment aligns with President Biden’s objective of guaranteeing that the fruit of science and technology are fully shared across America and among all Americans, ultimately benefiting society by providing resilient and efficient manufacturing. For comprehensive information of the President’s objective, kindly consult A Letter to Dr. Eric S. Lander, the President’s Science Advisor and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy (Exhibit B7) .
最後一個小節 Section 3.5 Summary,就是在簡短的一頁之內,幫審核人員做一個重點整理(你也可以當成是TL; DR.)。筆者是按照 Section 3.1 一段, Section 3.2 一段, Section 3.3 和 Section 3.4 再寫成最後一段的比例來分配。
各位讀者如果按部就班、亦步亦趨的執行,到這裡就完成 Cover Letter 裡兩個最吃力的章節。
(六)PERM 與 LC,棄之可矣
第四章 It Would be Beneficial to Waive the Labor Certification 的起手式大家都差不多,筆者直接引用在下方當讀者福利。
I firmly believe that a labor certification, which primarily focuses on minimum requirements, fails to adequately capture the extent of my achievements and the value I bring to the manufacturing sector. Allow me to present my case based on the following points:
Additionally, it is important to note the projected growth rate of 21.1% from 2021 to 2031 in this field, which is nearly twice the rate of the broader STEM sector (10.8%) as indicated in the BLS Employment Projection 2021-2031 (Exhibit B10 and B11). These statistics highlight not only the personal benefits of waiving the labor certification requirement but also the invaluable contribution I make and the value of my engineering expertise to the national interest.
如果你從頭到尾身分清白,沒有任何非法居留或犯法行為,第五章 Petitioner's Nonimmigrant Status 應該相當簡單。筆者簡單交代原本是以 F-1 簽證入境,後來申請了 OPT 以及 STEM OPT 以便在美國工作並獲得實務經驗,還有 EAD 於甚麼時候到期,並於甚麼時候轉為 B-2 身分。如此這般,這個章節就可以告一段落。
如果有搞不清楚 VISA 和 Status 差別的讀者,可以讀這篇[UMAA] 申請轉換學生身分 F-1 到旅遊身分 B-2 好好了解一下。
如果摸著筆者壘的石頭過河,到這裡已經可以寫 Cover Letter 的最後一章結論了。如果不擅長寫摘要和總結,那也無妨。除了幻想,人工智慧最擅長的其中一件事就是總結。以下筆者會帶大家跟人工智慧玩角色扮演,以法律人的寫作風格來改寫你的 Cover Letter。
(九)調教 ChatGPT,AI 律師
跟 ChatGPT 玩角色扮演的時候給了以下設定。
- Born and raised in the New England area
- Have a Bachelor's degree in Controls Engineering from the University of Michigan
- Accumulated Five years of work experience as Controls Engineer at Emerson
- Possess a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Michigan
- Specialize in immigration law with 20 years of experience
設定完之後,筆者會把初稿丟給 AI 律師潤稿,並且要求以 Legal Writing 的風格改寫,寫出來的專業度對於我這個英語是第三語言的人來說,是遙不可及的,因此推薦各位讀者一試。
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(零)名詞解釋 Petitioner vs Applicant
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(一)找合作的律師事務所
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(二)閱讀官方申請條件—1
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(三)閱讀官方申請條件—2
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(四)撰寫 Cover Letter—1
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(五)撰寫 Cover Letter—2
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(六)撰寫推薦信 Letter of Recommendation
[申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(七)組裝 NIW I-140 申請文件包
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(八)領事館處理 Consular Processing
- [申辦綠卡] EB-2 NIW 國家利益豁免綠卡申請教學(九)諮詢服務與申請文件買家回饋
Matter of DHANASAR, Petitioner
感謝 Dr. Dhanasar 的抗爭,讓 NIW 的審核視野變得更寬廣。所以研究 NIW 的你,應該已經看過 Dhanasar 這個名字了。 -
EB2 NIW application mistakes to avoid
8 misconceptions about EB-2 NIW green card process
Publications and citations for NIW green card
New version of ETA-9089 form
How to qualify for National Interest Waiver
How to assemble the I-140 petition for EB2 NIW
- EB-2 NIW processing time
EB2 NIW cover letter : what it is and how to prepare one
Personal Statement for EB2 NIW
- A guide to EB2 NIW Recommendation Letters
The Adjustment of Status for EB2 NIW
Concurrent or separate EB2 NIW application?
Understanding Retrogression: What It Means, Why It Happens, and How to Manage It
Traveling during green card process
Guide to Consular Processing for EB2 NIW green card
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Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay |
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- 如果想購買一份 Exhibit 3.C、Exhibit 4 或 Exhibit 5,可以掃下方的 QR Code 支付 $15 並留下信箱即可獲得相關資訊。如果三個 Exhibit 都想購買,則是支付 $45。
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- 如果想知道承案的律師事務所及律師團的信箱,可以掃下方的 QR Code 支付 $45 並留下信箱即可獲得相關資訊。
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