"The 8th Habit" by Stephen R. Covey is a sequel to his highly acclaimed book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People." In this book, Covey expands on the principles of effectiveness and introduces the concept of the "8th Habit," which is centered around finding your voice and helping others find theirs.
By the way, Covey also published a book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Families." It may help you resolve some family tensions.
Key points in the book include:
1. Voice and Calling: Covey argues that finding one's voice and calling is essential for achieving greatness. This involves understanding your unique strengths, passions, and talents and aligning them with a sense of purpose.
2. Four Human Needs: The author identifies four essential human needs— to live, to love, to learn, and to leave a legacy. When it comes to leave a legacy, isn't it starting with the end in mind as mentioned in "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People?"
3. From Effectiveness to Greatness: The book emphasizes the transition from effectiveness to greatness. While effectiveness is about achieving specific goals, greatness involves contributing to a larger purpose and making a lasting impact.
4. Whole Person and Whole Leader: Covey introduces the concepts of the "whole person" and the "whole leader," emphasizing the importance of integrating different aspects of life and leadership. This includes addressing physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual dimensions.
In other words, don't treat others like things.
Overall, "The 8th Habit" encourages individuals to move beyond mere effectiveness and strive for greatness by discovering their unique voices, aligning with principles, and contributing to a purpose larger than themselves. (for the greater good? Haha!)
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