"Quit" by Annie Duke is a compelling and insightful book that explores the concept of quitting as a valuable decision-making strategy. Annie Duke, a former professional poker player, draws on her experiences to provide readers with advice on how to quit effectively and make better choices.
Annie mentioned Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers and its famous ten-thousand-hours trope. Feel free to check out the summary. [Book Summary] Outliers—Malcolm Gladwell And Annie said that this kind of books reinforce the power of grit, or not giving up till you use your last resource.
One thing I love a lot about this book is that Annie prepare a summary at the end of each chapter. That makes a reader's life much easier. Nonetheless, knowing is far away from doing. You have to practice on what, when, and how to quit.
I'm going to quote sentence from her summary in the following sections so that we can use them as a siren song. Here we go!
"Quitting a course of action is sometimes the best way to win in the long run, whether you’re cutting your losses at the poker table or getting to climb another day."
When I visited Rocky Mountain National Park for the first time, I quit on visiting the Bear Lake through a trail due to weather. Nonetheless, the same day afternoon, I found a parking lot so that I could see the lake in person. If I didn't quit, I might drain my body and couldn't get back to my car. Read more [多圖注意] 達拉斯城初訪Mentor,科羅拉多嗜駕山墎.
"Quitting on will usually feel like quitting too early."
"Quit while you are ahead...when the game you're playing or the path you are on is a losing proposition. If you are in a situation that carries with it a negative expected value, by all means quit. But keep going when you have a positive expected value."
Quitting while you still have a chance. Don't let yourself fall into the situation of forced quitting.
"We prefer that illusion of having progress to having to quit and admit defeat."
I think this one is particularly difficult for Asian family, where failures are not acceptable but often used as labels. Please stay tune for next book summary "We Were Dreamers—Simu Liu."
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