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[Book Summary] We Were Dreamers—Simu Liu

Rating: ★

Without surprise, I borrowed this audio book because of the movie Shang-Chi, which carried some severe critiques from mainland China. Nonetheless, I still think this is a wonderful movie that I can relate to.  

Okay, I digressed. Let's get back to the memoir. 

Simu talked about his parents in earlier chapters. His parents both went to Beijing Jiaotong University. That was a challenge that beyond my imagination, especially that's the time right after the Cultural Revolution.

However, having outstanding parents can pose challenges that people can't see behind the curtain. Simu mentioned that he had to take piano classes because his classmate was excel at it. That 100% resonates with my experience. I saw so many classmates went through talent trainings just for their parents' pride and ego.

Besides, as the stereotype goes, there are only four types of career for an Asian student. Medical Doctor, Engineer, Lawyer, and Failure. Simu went through all sorts of domestic fights and verbal abuses to switch to the lane of acting.

Luckily, he eventually won the contract of casting Shang-Chi because of his grit. However, what if he didn't get the role, what his life would have become? Has he set a kill criteria for his dream? Has he explored other pathway?

I don't know. Maybe, only Simu knows the answers. But you can definitely check out [Book Summary] Quit—Annie Duke


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