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[Book Summary] The 5 Love Languages SINGLES EDITION—Gary Chapman

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When I discussed the book [Book Summary] Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus: The Classic Guide to Understanding the Opposite Sex—John Gray, my mentor recommended Gary Chapman's The 5 Love Languages to me. And I accidentally found that there is a SINGLES EDITION! (Note: The original book is for married couples.)

Be active, not passive! 

If you're not satisfied with a relationship in your life, let it be with a roommate, colleague, neighbor, or your life partner-to-be, be active to do something about it!

Find their primary love language. It'll fall into the following categories: words of affirmation, gift, quality time, touch, or acts of service. But please keep in mind that one's primary giving and receiving love languages can be different!

My primary giving love language is bringing them gifts. When I have someone on my mind, I'll pick some little things and add a personal touch to them. I still remember vividly the happiness on a friend's face when she holds my hand-written postcard and chocolate that I purchased during my vacation.

And as a human, I finally realize that we have a need of loving and being loved, even though it can cause cuts, bruises, or chaffing at times.


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