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[Book Summary] Ancient Egypt—David Angus

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The first half of this book covers the old Egyptian myth. If you speak Mandarin, you can watch the video below for a quick introduction!

In the later section, the author mentioned the Library of Alexandria which was the greatest library of Cleopatra's time. Unfortunately, it was later (might not be fully) destroyed and scrolls were burned to dust. But on the bright side, there were scholars at that time translating the library collection into other languages so that it wasn't totally lost. 

To know more about Cleopatra, check out this book [Book Summary] Cleopatra—Stacy Schiff.

One fun story in the myth is the Festival of Drunkenness. It was Ra's strategy to clean up his own mess and to fool Hathor. You can read more about it through the following links.

Provocative Yet Sacred: The Ancient Egyptian Festival of Drunkenness | Ancient Origins (


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