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[Book Summary] Never Eat Alone—Keith Ferrazzi

 Rating: ★

I eat alone most of the time. I don't normally break the ice and start a conversation with a stranger. It's time to change this behavior.
  • I remember that big-wheel tricycle.
    Keith's father saw a broken big-wheel tricycle in someone's yard that wasn't beyond repair. He knocked on the door and politely asked the homeowner if he could take it. Surprisingly, she not only gave his father the tricycle but also took out a used bicycle from her garage to gift him.
  • The recipe for achievement is a medley of audacity, persistence, and self-assurance.
    The major reason for not breaking the ice is that I'm a shy introvert. However, I still can summon enough courage to strike up a conversation at times. If combined with persistence, I can dial up my audacity when in need. Have some faith in yourself!
  • Do your homework before you go to the conference and get an idea of who is coming first.
    I haven't been to any conference yet I've been to several Michigan Alumni gatherings. I should do something like this!
  • Behind every successful person stands a long string of failures.
    I learned this lesson from Tana Kuo. She is strong and beautiful! Checked out this interview!

  • You learn in your 20s and earn in your 30s.
    You may be jealous when you see your classmates make two times your salary. Well, at least I was for quite a while. But it's just a process. Someone makes more earlier and it may take you more time. And to be honest, if you can get what you need 9 out of 10, it doesn't really matter if you can get what you want.
  • Touch their elbow. It's a bit more personal but not too intimidating.
    A handshake is all too common. A hug is way too close. This seems to be a good balance point. But if you're good-looking or charismatic, I guess this doesn't apply to you any way.


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