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[Book Summary] Social Intelligence—Daniel Goleman

Rating: ★★

This book is like a collection of findings. Each chapter illustrates and summarizes the discoveries so far.

I found three things amazing though the book's structure can't save itself from a three-star rating.
  1. The emotion we catch has consequences. I remember watching a short video of a driver giving someone a ride. Then a road rager comes. He yells and honks at the driver but the driver simply smiles and waves back. The passenger can't help to ask why. He simply answers "Don't let others dump their trash on you." How's that?
  2. In a relationship, a female's physiological condition is more susceptible to the situation than a male's one. When it's in harmony, her immune system gets stronger. When it's under pressure and stress, her immune system may deteriorate to a level that a vaccine can't even work. That brings up a question. What happens to a homosexual family?
  3. After you grow up, you still have newborn brain cells every day. Unlike what I was taught, when you're done, you're done done. Check out: New neurons for life? Old people can still make fresh brain cells, study finds


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