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[Book Summary] Overdue—Amanda Oliver

Rating: ★

"Fear is an access point to hope."
The author Amanda Oliver used to work in a public library in D.C. But not one of the glamorous Libraries of Congress. It was the Northwest One Neighborhood Library.

There were stains on the floor that looked like coffee but was not actually coffee. And the adult fiction area could be a war zone. Inevitably, the homeless people (or the unhoused people in the author's term) issue that many major US cities have to face.

By the way, in the book summary of What the Dog Saw, I summarized the solution of Malcolm Gladwell, which I deem effective. However, it's simply too controversial.

Unfortunately, librarians are handed over too much work and too little pay. And as most American knows, education and affordable housing and medical care have been things that this greatest country still struggling with.

Eventually, the author left the library and started her study in writing due to empathy fatigue. However, when she reflected on her past experience, she quoted below.
"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced."
—James Baldwin


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