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[Book Summary] Greenlight —Matthew McConaughey


I borrowed this audiobook—Greenlight because it has been one of the most popular books. Is it worth reading? You may very well think so. Do I like it? That's beyond the point.

There is still something memorable to me throughout this book.

First, he went to Australia for an exchange student program. He lived on a farm with a family having some mental problems. Later, he asked to be transferred to the other family. Someone he knew in a local bank. The best part of it was that he used his talent and mimicked the Australian accent for several characters. Accurate or not, that is a good question.

In his early career, he had to play a character taking any risk but to get his fingers on cocaine. Matthew was so confident that he said: " I know my man" throughout the section. He didn't even read the script until the last hour before filming. The best part? It was a three-page script in Spanish which he wasn't (or has never been) fluent in. He bombed it. Note to self: Do your prep.

By the way, cussing floods the entire book. If you're interested in this book or audiobook, be aware.


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