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[Book Summary] Atomic Habits—James Clear

Rating: ★★★★★
If you can't cultivate a good habit or get rid of a bad one, it's because you've not yet broken out of the plateau. 

I've learned this lesson before listening to this audiobook. It's just I phrase it differently. I know that a breakthrough is imminent when I'm stuck in a bottleneck. It can be a matter of time you invest in or the amount of practice you make before you advance.

The Goal Mindset and The Identity Mindset

Goal-setting is a common strategy. For instance, many of us made a new year resolution in 2022. Mine can be learning Japanese and passing N3 at the end of 2022. How about yours?

But goal-setting has a fundamental shortcoming—you either succeed or fail unless there is no due date. Of course, there are some more, including lack of clarity and what's the next step after you succeed. However, these two can be fixed while the fundamental one can't.

The identity mindset is different. Mine can be "I'm a Japanese learner because I enjoy communicating with others and building mutual understanding!" You can dice the process of becoming the person you want into smaller chunks. Then one baby step at a time, you shape how you see yourself and transform your identity. 

Because you only have to make a baby step at a time, it won't consume much mental energy. Take myself for example. The first chunk is learning Hiragana. The second is learning Katakana. Then the third is learning the first chapter of grammar. And on and on and on.

It may take me more time to pass N3 but I'm on the way to becoming the target identity one step at a time. Before you notice, you form a good habit.

There are four crucial steps in forming a habit, either good or bad. 
  1. Cue
  2. Desire
  3. Response
  4. Reward
I'm not going through the detail here so that you can see the cue, have a desire, want to learn more, but can't have the reward. If you want to change your identity, read the book!


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