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[Book Summary] Metropolis—Ben Wilson

Rating: ★

This is the other book that is hyper-popular in circulation! I waited months to get this audiobook on my hands. Unfortunately, I can only borrow this audiobook for 14 days so the listening experience was rushed. (Plus, the narrator's accent made it harder for me to comprehend so I couldn't play it at 1.25x or 1.5x.)

Ben covered the formation of ancient cities like Uruk (in nowadays Iraq) and modern cities like Lagos (in Nigeria). I'll some memorable sections to share with you.

In Chapter 2, the Sin City Babylon. I'm sure that most people have heard of this city. Notorious for its overflowing lust. However, things haven't changed a bit till 2023. We can still see sexual scandals every now and then on TV news. It has never left but transformed into a more subtle form.

In Chapter 3, the Cosmopolis Alexandria in modern Egypt. It's named after Alexander the Great. I placed a hold on an audiobook focusing on this city. We'll discuss more about this by then.

In Chapter 10, Paris Syndrome. The author mentioned that some Japanese experienced Paris Syndrome after they visited Paris in person. I'm not really surprised, honestly. I had a layover in Paris when I was in graduate school. I thought about heading out of the airport and taking a stroll in Paris. After checking out tourists' reviews and concerns about personal property's safety, I decided not to contribute to the French economy by unwilling donations.

By the way, in Chapter 13, the author also discussed the propaganda of suburban life around Los Angeles. How it was marketed to the white middle class when they built the modularized houses. All in all, it's worth a read/listen!


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