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[Book Summary] The Making of A Dream—Laura Wides-Muñoz

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I was in a struggle if I should stay in the United States. After all, the situation for international students who intend to stay is getting more strenuous. The silver lining is nearly the edge of a snap. It's not just the Diversity Green Card is a lottery, but also the H-1B application now. Should I just leave the place I've put in so much time and effort?

Then this audiobook slid into my sight as I scrolled my cheapest iPhone SE. I quickly checked out this book from the library. 

During my listening journey, Title 42 has expired. Many Latinos (Latinx) are queuing at the US/Mexico border and seeking a way to self-immigrate. It's a good time to see another side's perspective!

In this book, Gaby, Juan (Isabella), Dario, and Felipe are the four main characters. Most of them came to the United States on a tourist visa (I guess it's a B-2.) with their family. Then they overstayed their visa and went to a local school. Once they were about to enter college, they realized that they simply couldn't because they didn't have a social security number.

Ergo, they took action and pushed for immigration law reform through fasting and walking from Florida to Washington D.C. A side note is that they even used the slogan used during President Obama's campaign; Fired Up, Ready to Go!

Check out [Book Summary] A Promised Land—Barack Obama for more!

In my reflection on this audiobook, I can't stop thinking, that maybe, just maybe, my application process to EB-2 NIW can be a reference for those who intend to contribute to this Greatest Country in the world. Isn't that a life worth living?


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