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[Book Summary] Going Solo—Eric Klinenberg

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This Going Solo covers many aspects of living as a singleton, including the socio-economical change, focus in life, and the results of living alone.

One thing that stayed in my mind was the discussion about the design of a city. Take the United States for example. The residential and commercial areas are generally separated so that people say you don't have legs if you don't have a vehicle. 

However, as the group of people ages, some of them lose their mobility and need social workers to help them in their daily lives. I bet you heard of something like "Meals on the Wheels," right? It may seem sweet and warm in the first place but it poses an imminent problem—an ever-growing need for social care and medical care.

If combined with a declining birthrate, the reduced taxation and the increased demand for human labor will become a great challenge to a country.


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