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[Book Summary] How to Win Friends and Influence People in The Digital Age—Dale Carnegie & Associates

Rating: ★★★

One of my mentors gifted How to Win Friends and Influence People to his two sons as they turned 18. Hence, I decided to listen to this audiobook even if I'm already 27 when I saw it on the shelf. Though its content is revised to adapt to the Digital Age so that it's not the exact book, I placed a hold on the original one to cover the whole landscape.

By the way, I also read the first and second editions of The 2-Hour Job Search by Steve Dalton. I highly recommend reading the second edition.

Here I copy the content page of this book and throw in my two cents whenever and wherever I see fit.

Essentials of Engagement
Chapter 1: Bury Your Boomerangs
Chapter 2: Affirm What’s Good

It's easy for us to judge others. In this book, the author mentioned several times about President Lincoln. Talking about how good he was at delivering his message. One example is his letter to General Mead though it has never been sent out.

Affirming others' good behaviors can strengthen your connection with them and offer positive stimulation, which will encourage them to repeat the good behaviors.

By the way, if you're interested in knowing more about Lincoln, you can read this [BOOK SUMMARY] ABRAHAM LINCOLN: IN HIS OWN WORDS—DAVID ZAREFSKY.

Chapter 3: Connect with Core Desires

Quote: The difference is that Steve Jobs recognized something Dale Carnegie championed repeatedly: to influence others to act, you must first connect to a core desire within them.

I think Nike excels in this idea, too. They not only emphasize how innovative their technology is but also punch hard on the slogan—Just Do It. It connects strongly with people's desires—brave and fearless. No wonder they've done so well in the market.

If you're interested in knowing more about Nike's founder, who almost picked Dimension Six instead of Nike, read this [BOOK SUMMARY] SHOE DOG—PHIL KNIGHT

Six Ways to Make a Lasting Impression
Chapter 1: Take Interest in Others’ Interests

Quote: Dogs know by some divine instinct that you can make more friends in minutes by becoming genuinely interested in other people than you can in months of trying to get other people interested in you.

Chapter 2: Smile
Chapter 3: Reign with Names
Chapter 4: Listen Longer

Quote (Not certain if it's in this chapter): I don't like that man. I must get to know him better.─Abraham Lincoln

Chapter 5: Discuss What Matters to Them
Chapter 6: Leave Others a Little Better

How to Merit and Maintain Others’ Trust
Chapter 1: Avoid Arguments
Chapter 2: Never Say, “You’re Wrong”

But you're more than welcomed to own your mistakes!

Chapter 3: Admit Faults Quickly and Emphatically
Chapter 4: Begin in a Friendly Way
Chapter 5: Access Affinity
Chapter 6: Surrender the Credit

You can only gain the credit after handing it out.

Chapter 7: Engage with Empathy
Chapter 8: Appeal to Noble Motives
Chapter 9: Share Your Journey
Chapter 10: Throw Down a Challenge

How to Lead Change Without Resistance or Resentment
Chapter 1: Begin on a Positive Note
Chapter 2: Acknowledge Your Baggage
Chapter 3: Call Out Mistakes Quietly

Let others save their faces. Don't sew a seed of other's revenge.

Chapter 4: Ask Questions Instead of Giving Direct Orders
Chapter 5: Mitigate Fault
Chapter 6: Magnify Improvement
Chapter 7: Give Others a Fine Reputation to Live Up To
Chapter 8: Stay Connected on Common Ground


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