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[全職面經] STEM OPT 期中跳槽 MilliporeSigma-2

另外一本書 The Job Closer: Time-Saving Techniques for Acing Resumes, Interviews, Negotiations, and More 是作者 Steve Dalton 在 2021 年四月的新書, 旨在教你如何有效的拿到你想要的合約, 我當時在亞馬遜上預購以確保盡快拿到新書 。 我並不會透過這個連結獲得任何利益,但你可以多點這部落格的廣告。

[全職面經] STEM OPT 期中跳槽 MilliporeSigma-1

本文將分幾個小節來交代跳槽的前因後果及技術細節,對於故事不感興趣的讀者可直接跳至第四章節「Steve Dalton 的工具書幫你求職和找到職場貴人」及下半篇文章 [全職面經] STEM OPT 期中跳槽 MilliporeSigma-2 。

[多圖注意] 達拉斯城初訪Mentor,科羅拉多嗜駕山墎

從2020年十二月開始到2021年五月中旬, 為了公司的一套空氣輸料系統原型機, 我從硬體規劃、控制程式設計、人機介面布局到最後系統驗證, 可以說是無役不與。 因此有好幾個月沒給自己一段長假。

[多圖注意] 秋高氣爽時,說走就走的豪爽—前進亞特蘭大

註:這篇文章原本應該12/08/2019就要發佈, 後來因為課業與工作因素,一路拖到2021年。

Application Note: How to Triger a Digital Alarm Using a PLC Tag in FactoryTalk View?

You can read this post on  LinkedIn  as well. Introduction: Ah, FactoryTalk View, the realm of alarms and triggers—a landscape where digital statuses flicker and cause headaches aplenty. Today, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of alarm triggers in this enigmatic realm. Join me as we navigate the realm of Value, Bit, and LSBit triggers, and discover the unexpected twists and turns that await us. Brace yourselves, fellow adventurers, for we delve into the captivating world of FactoryTalk View! Section 1: The Curious Case of Digital Alarms In our quest for alarm enlightenment, we stumble upon three intriguing types of triggers: Value, Bit, and LSBit . Intuitively, one might assume that digital alarms should employ Bit triggers—the natural choice for binary states of on (1) or off (0). However, hold onto your hats, for a revelation awaits! Rockwell Automation Technical Support, unveils the surprising truth: Value triggers are the key to digital alarm mastery. Prepar...

Application Note: How to Fix FactoryTalk View ME Resolution/Scaling?

You can read this post on  LinkedIn  as well. *Updates on Windows 10 Windows 10 seems to be using different font file types now. If you go to Registry Editor, you'll only see .TTC and .TTF but not .FON. However, you can still download these three font files and install them on your laptop. Just remember to pick a trustworthy website! Introduction: Wait! What's this? A font-related conundrum that threatens to derail our path to seamless operation? Fear not, fellow troubleshooters! Today, we venture into the realm of Windows 10 font file types and the quest to tame FactoryTalk View's stubborn typographic quirks. Join me as we navigate this treacherous terrain with wit and determination! Section 1: The Elusive Solution In the vast expanse of the internet, we stumble upon a glimmer of hope—a thread of fellow sufferers who claim to have unearthed a solution after hours of tireless exploration. Their remedy involves venturing into the Compatibility tab, checking the m...

What If You See Error Code 16#0204 on FactoryTalk View?

You can read this post on  LinkedIn  as well. Introduction: Embarking on a journey through the intricate realm of Allen Bradley controllers can be both rewarding and bewildering. But fear not, fellow adventurers! Today, we delve into the enigma of Error Code 16#0204 , a puzzle that has left many scratching their heads. Prepare to unravel this perplexing riddle as we navigate the intricate web of local and remote I/Os. Grab your magnifying glass and join me on this thrilling escapade! If it is an all-or-none case, you can check ABB's article SLOGIX 5000 ERROR CODES WHEN USING ETHERNET IP AND ABB DRIVES . Section 1: Understanding the Issue When using a CompactLogix 5380 controller with two 1747-AENTR Ethernet communication modules and two 1746-A13 chassis, it was observed that only the last two modules (1746-IA16 and 1746-OW16) were not being recognized by the controller. Several assumptions were made initially, such as module failure or power consumption issues, but they turned...

Application Note: How to Show Parameters from drive.web Savvy on C-MORE HMI?

You can read this post on  LinkedIn  as well. Introduction: In the spirit of Austin Kleon's wisdom that "You don't have to be a genius!" in the book SHOW YOUR WORK . I am here to share my experiences and newfound knowledge as a full-time Electrical Engineer. Join me as we explore my first project, where I encountered a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) controlled machine, a C-MORE touch panel HMI, and the intriguing puzzle of their arrangement. Together, we will navigate the challenges and triumphs of modifying the setup, configuring parameters, and establishing communication. So, let's dive in! Section 1: Unveiling the Setup Upon closer inspection, an unconventional arrangement revealed itself—a PLC-controlled machine with a mixture of local and remote I/O modules, programmed in DirectSOFT, and a C-MORE touch panel HMI, all connected through a switch. An eyebrow raises, and a realization dawns: the Ethernet cable should connect the HMI panel directly to the swi...

Application Note: How to enable Specialty Modules via CompactLogix? (e.g. 1746-NT8, a thermocouple module from Allen Bradley)

You can read this post on  LinkedIn  as well. Introduction: Greetings, fellow control enthusiasts! So, you've embarked on the journey of upgrading your trusty SLC-500 series controller to the mighty CompactLogix 5000 series. However, you've encountered a pesky problem: those elusive specialty modules named 1746-XXXX just won't cooperate. Fret not, for I shall shed light on this mystery and guide you to a solution that'll leave you feeling like a true control wizard! Section 1: The Enigmatic Configuration Ah, the allure of module configuration! In the world of CompactLogix 5000 series controller, things work a bit differently compared to the SLC-500 series' way. Those familiar right-clicks and property modifications won't yield the desired results for your 1746-XXXX modules. But fear not, dear reader, for I'll show you a workaround that shall unravel the magic! Section 2: A Case Study Imagine this: you find yourself in an environment with a CompactLogix 5380 ...

Application Note: SiloTrack Shows "Comm Error"​ after Migration to Another Computer

You can read this post on LinkedIn as well.