You can read this post on LinkedIn as well. Introduction: Ah, FactoryTalk View, the realm of alarms and triggers—a landscape where digital statuses flicker and cause headaches aplenty. Today, we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of alarm triggers in this enigmatic realm. Join me as we navigate the realm of Value, Bit, and LSBit triggers, and discover the unexpected twists and turns that await us. Brace yourselves, fellow adventurers, for we delve into the captivating world of FactoryTalk View! Section 1: The Curious Case of Digital Alarms In our quest for alarm enlightenment, we stumble upon three intriguing types of triggers: Value, Bit, and LSBit . Intuitively, one might assume that digital alarms should employ Bit triggers—the natural choice for binary states of on (1) or off (0). However, hold onto your hats, for a revelation awaits! Rockwell Automation Technical Support, unveils the surprising truth: Value triggers are the key to digital alarm mastery. Prepar...