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Application Note: How to Fix FactoryTalk View ME Resolution/Scaling?

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*Updates on Windows 10

Windows 10 seems to be using different font file types now. If you go to Registry Editor, you'll only see .TTC and .TTF but not .FON. However, you can still download these three font files and install them on your laptop. Just remember to pick a trustworthy website!


Wait! What's this? A font-related conundrum that threatens to derail our path to seamless operation? Fear not, fellow troubleshooters! Today, we venture into the realm of Windows 10 font file types and the quest to tame FactoryTalk View's stubborn typographic quirks. Join me as we navigate this treacherous terrain with wit and determination!

Section 1: The Elusive Solution

In the vast expanse of the internet, we stumble upon a glimmer of hope—a thread of fellow sufferers who claim to have unearthed a solution after hours of tireless exploration. Their remedy involves venturing into the Compatibility tab, checking the mysterious "Change high DPI settings" selection box, and crossing our fingers for a font miracle. Alas, this sorcery worked wonders on the first laptop but failed to conjure the same results on the second.

Section 2: A DIY Approach to Font Mastery

Undeterred by the limitations of others' solutions, we embark on a solo expedition to conquer this font-related tribulation. Armed with determination, we navigate the depths of our Windows registry by clicking the Search icon and type in regedit.

Behold, the path unfolds: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts. We march forward, ready to leave our mark.

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Section 3: The Art of String Transformation

Within the registry's secret chambers, we encounter a trio of settings yearning for a font metamorphosis. With a few keystrokes and a sprinkle of wizardry, we transform:

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Section 4: Victory and Celebrations

With our registry edits complete, we seize the moment to save unsaved files, bid our laptops farewell, and reboot with bated breath. The changes we have wrought shine forth, banishing the typographic gremlins that haunted our FactoryTalk View experience.


Fear not the whims of font files, for with a touch of wit and a pinch of tenacity, we shall prevail. Until the next font adventure beckons, may your letters align and your text flow effortlessly. Cheers to typography triumphs!


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