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Application Note: SiloTrack Shows "Comm Error"​ after Migration to Another Computer

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Ah, SiloTrack, the trusted companion for monitoring material levels in your silos. But what's this? Comm Errors after migrating your program and data log to another computer? Don't worry, my friend, we've got a nifty solution for you. So grab a can of RedBull and let's dive in!

Section 1:

The Mysterious Comm Error: Picture this: you've updated your operating system or desktop, and suddenly those pesky Comm Errors start popping up. But fear not, for we shall unravel this mystery together! It's time to put on our detective hats and investigate.

Section 2:

If you updated your operating system or migrated your SiloTrack to the other computer and see some Comm Errors on a couple of them but the ones up front are Ready. You should open your Device Manager. Take a look at the order of virtual comm ports and compare them with the one in your SiloTrack.

SiloTrack working properly with Comm Error

Section 3:

Spotting the Order: Now comes the "Eureka!" moment. In our screenshot below, we see the order as COM3, COM4, COM5, and then COM6. But wait, that's just an example! You need to check the actual order on your computer! It's like comparing pieces of a puzzle to ensure they fit snugly together.

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Section 4:

Bridging the Order Gap: Now, brace yourself, because here's the secret sauce: Make sure the order in your program matches the order of those virtual comm ports. It's like playing a game of matching the pairs, but instead of cards, we're dealing with communication ports. Once they're in sync, the magic can happen!

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Section 5:

The Fix: Drumroll, please! When you fix the communication errors and align those port orders, something beautiful unfolds before your eyes. Because the comm port order was messed up, the tab showing red and purple silos was reading data from blue silos on another tab. The silos are reading data from their rightful sources, and all is right with the world!

The figure below shows the case when we fix the communication errors.

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Once you get this setting right, there is a chance that you can fix the problem.

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There you have it, my friend! By ensuring the virtual comm port order in your Device Manager matches the order in your SiloTrack program, you can bid those pesky Comm Errors farewell. So go forth, conquer those mismatched orders, and may your silos be forever filled with accurate data. Happy monitoring!



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