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[Book Summary] Why Men Don't Have a Clue and Women Always Need More Shoes—Barbara Pease and Allan Pease

Rating: ★

After two serious history audiobooks, let's take something light!

I must admit that some content in this book is quite politically incorrect, especially the grading on a man/woman's outlook section. However, it's undeniable that we're usually influenced by what we see if not always.

First, "if you see a well-dressed man, it's because his wife has good taste." I've seen this happens more than once. And I believe on average, men spend much less time on styling than women. It's not about who is better. It's simply a difference between genders.

Second, men's brain has several independent compartments. Each focuses on one thing and only one. And one of them is a compartment for nothing. Men use it when fishing or fire-gazing. Women's brain is connected by interstate highway with no speed limits. It enables them to jump from one topic to another in a conversion. Will it come back to the original topic? That's irrelevant!

I experience these two situations deeply myself. I didn't care much about how I dressed until I found someone that I want to impress. It doesn't mean I'm good at it now though. I'm still learning.

Besides, I couldn't understand why a female colleague didn't comb through her project in our first meeting. It started from point B to point C and then bounced to point A! I was frustrated when I tried to follow her thinking path. After listening to the audiobook, I realized the fundamental difference. It may be beneficial for both genders to collaborate better in STEM after reading this book.


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