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Showing posts from 2020

[讀者提問] Vol.5 2020 BME ECE 的申請和求職還有要不要衝一波念博士

[讀者提問] Vol.4 關於轉ECE和留學的問題

從第四期開始, 讀者提問改為以投影片方式回答, 希望大家喜歡。

What Metrics to Replace GPA?

You can read this post on LinkedIn as well. If employers can't and shouldn't rely on GPA to evaluate candidates' competence, what can be used as a litmus test? It's a long-lasting debate, as the well-known higher education system reformation conundrum. Some voices claim that GPA is pointless, but they rarely come up with an alternative. As we know, critique is much easier to do than innovation. One project manager proposed a solution. He suggested using a thinking-process-centered filtering approach to seek the right talent. So that the employers can avoid the popular STAR method and its downsides (a.k.a The Ultimate Storytelling Competition). Come up with a scheme that the candidates will face or that your team is facing. For instance, a robot arm doesn't have precise and timely force control. Ask the candidate what the underlying problems can be. For industrial robotic arms, it may be the lack of force/torque sensors or lengthy codes pulling down the r...